I've created a philosophy in my own words to explain for myself a unifying theory of existence using experiences and reflections as I absorb the world around me. A great deal of what I write is influenced by others ideas that I've crossed paths with on my journey... and I don't seek to profit by it, but truly share with the hope of offering a serene view of a complex yet simple idea... a unifying theory of everything.
Simply stated, you are the center of the universe, nothing can exist without you conceiving of it, for you. The same is true for me and everyone that you've ever met. The existence of all of these separate instances of existence nodes, or instances of existence and their awareness of others, creates a fabric of a collective consciousness.
I set forth to develop these theories with a mixture of physics, chemistry, psychology and my observations over the last 4 decades of my existence. It's a fairly straightforward idea that I find for me unifies and bridges the gaps that we struggle with, that I’ve personally struggled with and desire to over come.
The example I use frequently to easily proof the concept is, if you and I were sitting in a restaurant eating dinner, we would agree that the table is a table and plates, cutlery, and drink rest there and it is a solid object... we may not even talk about it at all and simply agree as we have our whole lives, as we were taught this is a place to eat. Until a new individual enters and jumps up to dance on our table. We immediately have to reconcile our realites to include or exclude the concept that the table may have been a dance floor the whole time.
A critical concept of the philosophy is that "time" is a human construct that does not exist in nature. It might help to hold on to it as a location coordination tool for you, if that is more comfortable. However it'll be important to accept eventually that it is a coordinate that can never be reached more than once... and so basically useless. I feel confident that I can articulate this through Newton's 2nd law of motion and demonstrate how without it's value in determining velocity we will eventually lead to navigating the stars based on contextual awareness of objects' gravitational fields. But I'll save that for another writing.
I suggest rather that all events occur based on a continuum of energy exchange from the quantum object level to what we perceive as the whole of all that one can conceive. Radiating orbiting objects which through recognition matter (mass) and mutual respectful appreciation inform and exchange states of being, regardless of the earth's spinning position relative to our star.
A release of the concept of "time" from our thoughts allows for the end of suffering, if you create a definition that explains suffering as being equal to the amount of pain times the duration or time. A simple view of this concept is hopefully relatable if you’ve ever stubbed your toe and felt a pain of 7 on a scale of 1-10 grabbed some ice and quickly brought the pain to a 2 and hopefully eventually a 0. This “scale” of pain is critical in philosophy as it is unique to you. In all things you define for yourself what a 2 is, or a 1000… when we begin to speak of loss. Loss of a loved one might not be something you can say has a value. In that, it can be, unimaginable. So on a scale of 1-100, it is infinity. So then you must define what infinity means to you.